Guardian Angels
This is a listing of members that are no longer with us. If you know of a member that should be added to this list, please use the contact us form to send a message to the accounts team.
Some Helpful Hints
- To search by state or province, use the abbreviation (EG AL for Alabama, ME for Maine)
- Some common PGR Titles
- <state> State Captain – eg Texas State Captain
- Ride Captain – eg Washington Ride Captain
- Partial searches work, ie Captain would find both of those listed above (as well as other “Captains”)
A special note about PGR Titles – The addition of the PGR Title field to our users profile is a relatively recent addition (added in 2018), so not all members that held leadership positions have that field filled out.
Bernie Conner
Florida Senior Ride Captain (Retired FL Asst State Captain)