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Patriot Guard®

PGR Documents Change

I’ve made a change in the way PGR Documents are accessed on the website. The Board of Directors requested that we have available a download section on the site that would contain documents and other files maintained for future use. To that end, I’ve installed a download manager that controls access to those files, and makes them easy for members to download.

The previous plug-in we used to create online documents then became redundant, so it will be removed. All of the files that were previously available as online documentation are now available for download using the new system. Whenever possible, the downloads will include a PDF version of the files so they can be viewed online.

The previous menu option for PGR Documents (under the Members menu option) has been changed to PGR Docs & Downloads.

If you have an questions, concerns, or recommendations on this change, please feel free to email me at vpoperations@patriotguard.org

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