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Patriot Guard®


PLEASE NOTE — THE PGR Store is Temporarily Closed

No new orders are being accepted after December 1, 2023.

PLEASE NOTE– if you recently placed an order it will be processed and you will be notified when the order has shipped. If you have questions you can contact the store team via the Contact Us section of the patriotguard.org site.

We are in the process of moving to a new fulfillment company and the Store will reopen when that is completed. We will notify members once the plan to reopen is ready.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your continued support!

See below that was sent to subscribed members via email re Temporary Store Closure—

Temporary Store Closure
Fellow Patriots:

This email is to inform you that the PGR National store fulfillment company, Fast Color Print Inc. (FC), will close its doors effective 12-16-23. While receiving FC’s closure notice was a bit of a surprise, we weren’t shocked by it. The PGR and FC have a long history of working together to fulfill the PGR-branded gear needs of countless PGR members. The PGR National BoD appreciates FC’s support of the PGR mission, and we extend to the entire FC staff our wishes for the best of good health and happiness as our relationship with FC comes to a close. 

In anticipation of FC’s closure, the PGR National BoD has been exploring store fulfillment companies. Considering the magnitude of transitioning to another store fulfillment company, unfortunately the PGR National store will be closed briefly during the transition to the new fulfillment company. We want you to know that every effort will be made to keep the store closure as brief as possible.

With the transition to a new fulfillment company, some PGR-branded merchandise will no longer be offered. Conversely, we anticipate many more PGR-branded items becoming available with the new fulfillment company, more than offsetting the number of things that will be discontinued. The PGR National BoD is excited about the opportunity to transition to a new fulfillment company. We anticipate a higher degree of satisfaction considering the diversity of merchandise that will be available, the level of customer service, and the quality of the products offered.

We understand that change is not always easy or comfortable; please indulge all the members working diligently on the fulfillment company transition with your patience and kindness. Also, please bear in mind ALL of us are volunteers who give freely of the most precious commodity we own: our time.

We would like to clearly state that the transition to a new PGR National store fulfillment company in NO way should be construed as a negative. The PGR National BoD is excited about the vibrant future of the PGR!

Please know that ALL you do in support of our nation’s active-duty military members, veterans, home front first responders, and the mission of the PGR is valued and appreciated beyond description, THANK YOU! 

The Patriot Guard Riders National Board of Directors

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