Some important notes

New Members

If you are a new member, don't let this form confuse you. This controls how we notify our members of events in their area. Our suggestion is to pick out the state you live in, let a few notifications come through, then come back and revisit this form if you wish to make changes.

Existing Members

If you are already subscribed to the PGR Mission Notifications, this form does not represent your current subscriptions. The changes you make here will overwrite your existing subscription. You should choose all the options you want, not just additions

We use MailChimp, a commercial mass mailer system, for all of our mission notifications. To ensure that any SPAM filters on your system do not fasely identify our notifications as SPAM, you should set your email system options to allow all emails from the domains and

We use the same list for Mission Notifications and for PGR Store information. If you wish to stop receiving PGR Store information, but want to continue to receive Mission Notifications, you should not unsubscribe to any PGR notification. Instead, choose the option below to "opt out" of Store notifications (be sure to click on the states you'd still like to receive).

If you have subscribed and are still not receiving notifications, or if you have a problem subscribing with this form, send an email to describing the problem.

Select the states (and store notification option) below for your PGR subscription.

  Delaware Maryland & D.C. North Carolina
  South Carolina Virginia West Virginia
  Alabama Florida Georgia
  Louisiana Mississippi Tennessee
  Arizona Colorado New Mexico
  Iowa Minnesota Montana
  Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota
  New Jersey New York Pennsylvania
  Illinois Indiana Kentucky
  Michigan Ohio Wisconsin
  Connecticut Maine Massachusetts
  New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont
  Alaska Idaho Oregon
  California Hawaii Nevada
  Arkansas Kansas Missouri
  Oklahoma Texas  
Opt OUT of PGR Gear Store notices  

Cancel any changes