Guardian Angels
This is a listing of members that are no longer with us. If you know of a member that should be added to this list, please use the contact us form to send a message to the accounts team.
Some Helpful Hints
- To search by state or province, use the abbreviation (EG AL for Alabama, ME for Maine)
- Some common PGR Titles
- <state> State Captain – eg Texas State Captain
- Ride Captain – eg Washington Ride Captain
- Partial searches work, ie Captain would find both of those listed above (as well as other “Captains”)
A special note about PGR Titles – The addition of the PGR Title field to our users profile is a relatively recent addition (added in 2018), so not all members that held leadership positions have that field filled out.
Bobbie Bilotta
New Port Richey
Retired FL State Captain, FL State Moderator