Honor Mission Part 2 of 2 for Walter Ballard. PGR will stand a silent flag line of respect and honor during his service.
Mr. Ballard passed away at the age of 94 years old. He served in the U.S Army during the Korean War and was Honorably Discharged. Mr. Ballard continued his supporting veterans in the Mobile area and was voted The Veteran of the Year in 2018. There are no other known awards at this time. We will meet the family at Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home and have a rolling Honor Guard to Mobile Memorial Gardens Cemetery.
Ride Captain:
Ed “Juju” Lessard (251) 978-6215 chromedome43@hotmail.com
Briefing: 10:15 AM
KSU: ~10:30 AM
If you have any questions, please contact the Ride Captain:
The Ride Captain will supply the flags for the flag line.:
Funeral Home in Charge: Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home
Water: Will not be provided, please bring your own
Honor Guard: Yes
Mr. Ballard stood for us many hard days and nights so that we might be safe and free-Now it is our honor to stand for him.
Submitted by: Gregory Selman
Alabama Ride Captain