Robert Dillbeck

Honor Mission
Robert Dillbeck, Veteran
US Army , Korea
Muscatine, Iowa – March 11, 2023

About the Mission:


Primary Staging Details:
March 11, 2023 — 9:15 AM
Ralph J. Wittich-Riley-Freers Funeral Home
1931 Houser St.
Muscatine, Iowa

Ride Captain:

Eric Swanson


Those leaving from the Quad Cities, we will meet at Casey’s (I-280 & Hwy 61), leaving there no later than,  8:45 AM.

Flags & Water:
Flags will be provided.
If you have large bike flags, please bring them.
Water will not be provided, please bring your own.

Submitted by: Bridget Krupa
Illinois Deputy Assistant State Captain

Note: You do not have to own/ride a motorcycle or be a veteran to join, and membership is Free. The only requirement is RESPECT! To subscribe to receive mission notices, log into the National Site and click on the Members tab at the top. Select the Subscribe to PGR Missions option.
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