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Patriot Guard®

Message from National PGR Leadership: Political Issues

Members of the Patriot Guard Riders,

These are tumultuous times in the United States of America. That is an understatement.
Your National Patriot Guard Riders leadership has received and continues to receive multiple requests to become involved in the upheaval in some way. I feel that you deserve to hear our response directly from me.

This organization, the Patriot Guard Riders, has a defined mission. We exist to bring Comfort and show Honor that has been earned by this nation’s defenders. We stand in hot sun and cold rain, not to make a political statement, but to honor our Fallen Warriors, our Veterans, our First Responders.

The Patriot Guard Riders is a strictly non-political organization. Since all of the upheaval occurring around the country is, at it’s root, a political issue – we are forbidden by our own Mission Statement and governing by-laws from injecting ourselves into the matter.

Additionally, as a 501c3 non-profit organization, IRS rules prohibit our involvement in any political issue. To do so would jeopardize our tax exempt status.

The short answer, Patriot Guard Riders will not become involved in protesting or counter protesting. We will continue to stand in hot sun and cold rain with our flags. We will strictly conform to our stated mission.

If you decide to become involved on either side of these protests, we respect your right to do so. We do ask that you not wear any clothing or accessories that carries our name. Doing so would create the illusion that the PGR is involved.

Thank you for your understanding, your Patriotism and your dedication to those whom we proudly serve.

With Respect,

David ‘Bear’ Noble
Patriot Guard Riders, Inc.

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