PGR President’s Retirement to the Flag Line

A Letter From The PGR Board of Directors
Fellow Patriots:

Your PGR National President, David “Bear” Noble, has retired to the Flag
Line as of 1 September 2022. Since becoming a PGR member in 2006,
David has served the PGR and those whom we all desire to serve with the
utmost Honor, Respect, Compassion, Dignity, and Integrity. During his
tenure with the PGR David has served in countless roles and ways, leaving
an indelible imprint upon endless numbers of people. The hallmark of
David’s service has been one of service with humility, the mission of the
PGR at the forefront of his thinking and deeds. David has culminated his
service to the PGR, and our nation’s Heroes, by serving as your PGR
National President for the past four years. He has set a standard we would
all do well in striving to emulate.

Please consider joining us in extending David best wishes during his
retirement to the Flag Line and may he always enjoy “Fair Winds and
Following Seas”!

Patriot Guard Riders
National Board of Directors

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